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How to turn off ads?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Colorado, USA
Is there a way to turn off ads on this site? They didn't seem to be there the other day, but now taking up a lot of screen. Happy to donate if that keeps the ads down. Thanks.
Are you sure it's this site and not something your browser is doing? I use Chrome - have yet to see any ads.
Positive. On the desktop there are no ads. On the iPad or phone, there are ads. So it seems mobile browsers get ads.
On desktop (win7, Chrome), on phone (Sparkpilot app, android) I have no ads, at least I didn't notice them and when I just checked on one thread, there was no.
I don't see any issue related to ads.
Positive. On the desktop there are no ads. On the iPad or phone, there are ads. So it seems mobile browsers get ads.
So it looks like it's a mobile thing.
Unfortunately the ads can't be turned off. We'll definitely be contributing our fair share as always for the work the Drone Pilots team but into their forums. A great resource for drone pilots of all makes, models and experience levels.
Is there a way to turn off ads on this site? They didn't seem to be there the other day, but now taking up a lot of screen. Happy to donate if that keeps the ads down. Thanks.

That's Tapatalk the adds are coming from if you're on a phone and you can turn them off for a small fee
DronePilots fund the cost of running their forums with ads and affiliate programs. You can see their blurb in the About Us at the bottom including a way to advertise with them if you want to. I think this one may not have had ads before because it was new and the membership is still pretty low, but the others definitely have had ads for a while. :)
On my PC I don't see any ads. On my phone and iPad I do. Not sure why it's different since I'm using Chrome on all three devices. It's not a big deal, and like I said above, I'd be happy to donate or pay a membership to remove them from my mobile experience since they take up a good amount of screen space and consume data.

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