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Which is better for a beginner, Spark or Mavic Air? Can help me decide?

Hard to say, really.

First off, all DJI drones are suuuuuper easy to fly. Doesn't matter if it's a Spark or a Phantom. Flight control is the same. Above all else, if you get into trouble, release the sticks and the drone just stops. Also, read the manual.

As far as I know, both Spark and Mavic Air have "beginner mode" which slows things down, makes it even easier when learning. Or use Tripod Mode.

So: basic flight is the same.

An advantage to the Mavic Air that comes to mind is APAS, which allows the drone to fly itself around certain obstacles, no fancy flying skills needed. Additional obstacle avoidance sensors too. I guess that's more beginner friendly.

Mavic Air of course has many more advanced features which will let you grow as your photo/video skills improve.

Biggest advantage to the Spark is the price, as it can be had super cheap, so it won't hurt as bad when you crash it.

Things to consider:
What will you be using it for?

Mavic Air:
-professional video
-low light photo
-following fast moving objects
-anything you would want a dedicated camera for, in the sky

-social media posts
-"for fun" YouTube videos
-anything you would use your phone camera for, but in the sky.

If you have no real interest in photography or video, and this is just a toy that you have fun with, then get the Spark. The fun factor is going to be pretty much the same.

Fwiw: I bought the Spark before the Air came out. It works great, meets my needs, easy portable. No regrets, and I don't feel the need to upgrade. That said, I do have a professional photo/video background, so if the Spark blew up tomorrow, I'd buy the Air.

Hope this helps.
I can only join Suprphreak, i agree.
Maybe sometimes, if the Air will be cheaper, so i would think to change the Drone.
Greetings from Austria [emoji1038]
Thanks so much guys. I just really want a drone to have fun and to take family pictures and videos. No professional stuffs. Dont want to blow a hole in the pocket. In singapore its a bit costly to get a drone.
"Biggest advantage to the Spark is the price, as it can be had super cheap, so it won't hurt as bad when you crash it."

I HIGHLY recommend getting dji Care when you buy your drone.
As a fairly new owner I was crushed when I had a crash; then sent my drone in and had the option to repair or a small co-pay for a new replacement.
Also note that if you have a crash that dji repair is super easy and fast. I had my drone back in less than 2 weeks.
Because Air is better than Spark, in all subjects, the only thing you must decide, is the budget.
Air is 60% more expensive than Spark, so you must decide, if you need the extra technology, mainly the advanced gimbal/camera, and advanced obstacle avoidance.

With both drones you will need more batteries and a bag, so I think you should consider to buy "fly more combo".

And as already said, Dji's insurance, is fair enough.
Thanks so much guys. I just really want a drone to have fun and to take family pictures and videos. No professional stuffs. Dont want to blow a hole in the pocket. In singapore its a bit costly to get a drone.
Then save your money and buy a Spark and a few extra batteries. It will excel for this.
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Like everyone has said, the maverick is better than the spark in every way. There are only a few reasons to choose a spark, the price, simple camera, & friendly appearance.
I always try to keep away from people when flying, but occasionally someone wanders by. I believe because the spark looks more like a toy & not like a military machine people look show their children (by pointing toward it) then resume whatever they were doing. (I think the Spark is also less noisy)
Before buying a drone find out what the regulations are for your location. It can be a surprise for some people who live in a flight restrictive area.
I started flying for the first time in February 2018 with a Spark and I love it. I'm constantly surprised by the quality of the photography and videography that I get from it. I also found it very easy to learn how to fly a drone for the first time with the consistency of the software and hardware. As others have said, DJI is great platform regardless of the drone you choose. That being said, I can't wait to get a Mavic2 Zoom someday.. I understand the technological superiority and think my captures will benefit greatly from it (and I'll be able to attempt things that can't be done with a Spark). However, there is something to be said about the simplicity and affordability of the spark as well as the small size. Part of the learning curve is overcoming the fear that you may suddenly lose your investment in the lake or have a flyaway.. (thankfully I haven't experienced that). When you're comparing the cost of a spark vs. a mavic2 pro, it's easier to be comfortable taking risks as you learn and build confidence. Furthermore, I learned the value of not having a drone that is intimidating to the public because of its size and noise when I fly in more public places. The general public see a spark and don't tense up or feel defensive about privacy or safety because it is so small and approachable, where I see people with Phantoms get a lot of flack because it looks serious (and threatening to those who aren't comfortable with drones). Most people ask me if it has a camera because it appears like a simple flying toy (until they see it fly a half mile away at 28 mph). Even when I upgrade to a Mavic2 someday, I think there will be situations where I would choose the Spark.
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Thanks so much guys. I just really want a drone to have fun and to take family pictures and videos.

The Spark would be perfect for you.
Purchase the fly more combo for additional fun.
You can always purchase more batteries and other accessories later if you think you need them.

If the budget is super tight, check with the seller on the Spark purchase.
DJI ran a promotion in the past for a FREE remote control with a basic purchase.
I think you would get the Spark, 1 battery, and a free remote?

Check the classified section of this Forum as there are good deals there too.

I've had my Spark fly more combo since July 2018 and have a total of six batteries, plus other accessories I've purchased along the way.

Good luck with your decision.
I just went over to DJI and they still have the Spark combo for $399. Check it out at DJI Spark and Spark Fly More Combo. A personal note. If you plan to fly in a neighborhood like I do get the Spark. It does not intimidate or upset your neighbors but it is an absolutely wonderful flying machine.
Based on your guidelines for personal use, it wouldn’t make sense to spend more on a Mavic Air (at least not right now). The Spark should fit your needs if all you’re looking to do is take close-proximity family pictures and simplistic video. Even though the Spark is an entry-level drone, it still takes outstanding pictures, as well as decent video.
Pour un débutant, je ne peux que conseiller le "Spark" après avoir eu plusieurs drones DJI, j'ai actuellement un Mavic pro et un spark. Bien que plus performant le Mavic est beaucoup plus cher. Je n'utilise que pour un petit nombre de complexes, sinon mon petit Spark est une véritable petite merveille. Petit et léger, toujours prêt à voler très rapidement. Il est très facile à piloter. Connecté GPS avec retour hoime. Pour un débutant c'est le TOP ... Regarder cette photo faite avec mon Spark.
As a spark owner I will say to you.. check the specs and if you can buy the drone which is best for you for the price value. If you want 4k res and 3 axis gimbal buy air. If you want something cheaper with 1080 res and 2 axis gimbal buy spark. I think both are super easy to fly.
I am getting my Springo (named it already) as I want to get into Aerial Photography. I just can't justify spending the price of the Air. I don't know how often I will use it. Don't travel much.
Can anybody help which is better for a beginner? Spark or tha air?
Mavic Air because you won't feel the need to upgrade unless flying greater distance matters in which case a used Mavic Pro. Because of the release of the two new mavic pro(s) (Mavic Pro 2, and Mavic 2 Zoom), you can get a used MP (1/original) for less than the Mavic Air. However, Mavic Air should be steeply discounted come the holidays.
My plan when I first got my Spark a year ago was to get the cheapest decent photography drone and learn on that and give it a couple of years and then if I was still interested get something fancier, with the idea that the "something fancier" of 2019-2020 would be a lot nicer than the "something fancier" of 2017. I'd also get a better idea just how much I use the thing and which model to get - go big, go small, etc.

What I'm finding is a lot of what I use the drone for is quick little roadside stops on car trips, oh there's a good view, if only there wasn't that tree in the way. Pop up the drone, take some snapshots, pop it back down. Lots of 5 minute flights.
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