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try to find a charger that will do 5 batteries at the same time


Active Member
Aug 29, 2018
Hey all, been looking for a while now to try to find a charger that will do 5 batteries at the same time. The most I can find is one that does 4 batteries. Anyone come across one that does 5? Cheers
Purchase a 4 place charger and put battery #5 on the Spark to charge it there.
Yeah I have seen them that's all good but I can only find one like that for a car charger, not one that plugs in an outlet.
Yes looked at the ones listed here. All have US plugs on them, it does look as though I could chase down a plug the I could swap over. I need it all in one as I do most of my charging in the car with one inverter. I would like to think I could just take one charger with me to cut down on the stuff I take.
It's a combination of water evaporating faster when it's warm, and the heating of the air pocket at the top causes some of it to escape through the vent opening due to expansion. That air contains water vapor, and later, when the battery cools, drier air enters, becomes humid as it absorbs water. When the cycle repeats, more water escapes the battery. click here

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