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Spark Propellers


Mar 28, 2019
I have read that official DJI propellers are the way to go. Any thoughts on that? Does anyone have recommendations on where to get the propellers or if there is a non DJI propeller that is recommended as well? Thanks
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I see you just joined this week. Welcome to the Forum

Try out the search bar in the top right of this page. It's extremely handy.

Many many threads on the topic on DJI versus non-OEM props. As recently as last week. Lots of great information there.

In summary:
Both types in inexpensive - DJI cost somewhat more of course. Nobody has reported consistent problems with the substitutes. Nobody has had warranty work denied due to knock offs but that's a theoretical concern. Must people who choose non-OEM do it for color choices or to save a few bucks. Anbee is as popular name but they all come out of a handful of factories and just get rebranded.

Lots of folks wishing for a true low-key noise option (fake ads for them on Amazon but just same design with false description).
I see you just joined this week. Welcome to the Forum

Try out the search bar in the top right of this page. It's extremely handy.

Many many threads on the topic on DJI versus non-OEM props. As recently as last week. Lots of great information there.

In summary:
Both types in inexpensive - DJI cost somewhat more of course. Nobody has reported consistent problems with the substitutes. Nobody has had warranty work denied due to knock offs but that's a theoretical concern. Must people who choose non-OEM do it for color choices or to save a few bucks. Anbee is as popular name but they all come out of a handful of factories and just get rebranded.

Lots of folks wishing for a true low-key noise option (fake ads for them on Amazon but just same design with false description).
Thanks. Yes, new to the group so trying to figure it all out. Just purchased a used spark and it only comes with two extra propellers, so thought I would need to get more. I appreciate your reply though. Just don’t want it to crash because of a bad prop. lol
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Thanks. Yes, new to the group so trying to figure it all out. Just purchased a used spark and it only comes with two extra propellers, so thought I would need to get more. I appreciate your reply though. Just don’t want it to crash because of a bad prop. lol

You can easily detect a "bad prop" by checking the Expiration Date.

That's very important if you're a new Spark owner!
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I have read that official DJI propellers are the way to go. Any thoughts on that?
They were designed for the Spark, tested extensively, known to work well, and won't void your warranty. I cannot think of any reasons not to use OEM DJI props. Assuming you don't crash often, you aren't going to save much money since they don't need to be replaced often.
MAS should be coming out with some improved props for the Spark soon. They would be the only other prop maker I would use.
I have read that official DJI propellers are the way to go. Any thoughts on that? Does anyone have recommendations on where to get the propellers or if there is a non DJI propeller that is recommended as well? Thanks
I was able to purchase extra OEM when best buy have me $50. gift card for purchasing with them. I do not fly every day, but have had my spark for well over a year and never had to replace one of them that originally came with spark. I even had spark loose control for some freaky reason and slam into concrete stopper on parking deck. Nothing broke and props struck first. I have also had it hit wall inside my home. Still no prop breakage. These little guys are tough. Im thinking about upgrading to a mavic at some point, but wondering and hoping they are as rough as spark. Basically I'm looking to get more distance on flights than spark gives.

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