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Spark as a complement/travel drone


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2017
ON, Canada
I have been thinking of getting a Spark as a complement to my P3 Standard and as a travel drone. Does anyone else use the Spark in this way - as a complement to your primary drone?

The quick setup and portability would be great in certain situations and today would have been a perfect example. I was at the Pumpkin Patch with my family and brought my P3S to take some photos and videos. We road out to the patch in a packed wagon pulled by a tractor. The bulky backpack and the time to setup (install props, etc) and pack-up the P3S, not to mention having to launch from the backpack because the terrain was bumpy and full of pumpkin vines would have been so much quicker and easier had I had a Spark.

I would probably just get the drone and not the flymore package as I just want to use it when it is inconvenient to bring my P3S. I take mostly photos with my P3S and from what I have been reading about the Spark the photo quality is just as good as the P3S. If I buy a Spark, I will probably wait until boxing day sales to get one off of Amazon. Hopefully the price with drop at least $150CDN as I find the price at this time a little steep.
I sold my Phantom when I got my Spark, for exactly the reasons you stated - Portability. I wouldn't get a Spark without a remote though.
I bought my Spark as a "novelty" since I already had a Mavic Pro, Phantom 4, and Inspire. I liked to show people how small and cool a drone can be. But it mostly sat till I recently went to visit family and took a flight to get there. I was able to take everything (basically a fly more package) in my backpack and was hassle-free through TSA. Once there it did everything I wanted. I got the shots I wanted. I will add the caveat I'm well aware of the capabilities and limitations of each of my drones so I fly within those parameters and will use the them accordingly and not expect Inspire quality/performance from my Spark.

So a few things;

  • While the remote is optional, you'll want to get one. It gives you greater distance. I'm not talking the max distance but reasonable (LOS) distance
  • Its not as stable in moderate winds compared to any of the other DJI drones
  • You'll want extra batteries. The flight time of the Spark isn't very long. I can't recall how it compares to the P3, but its noticeably less than even my Inspire 1 with a TB48 Battery.
  • While set-up or getting into the air seems to be more quick than the P3, don't skip your preflight checklist (if you don't have one, you should).
  • Sure launching and recovery can seem to be easier with the Spark but you need to switch modes from whatever you are using to Gesture Mode or from Gesture Mode, which sometimes can be finicky. Personally I've launchd and recovered my Phantom 4 in some pretty uneven places. In a situation you mention with the Pumpkin patch, I'd have launched from the trailer or whatever brought the people out there, then just hand-catch for recovery. But look around, you don't need much space to launch.

But yeah as I've stated in another thread/post, I feel the Spark is a good compliment to a Phantom as opposed to the Mavic (complimenting the Phantom)...

I have been thinking of getting a Spark as a complement to my P3 Standard and as a travel drone. Does anyone else use the Spark in this way - as a complement to your primary drone?

The quick setup and portability would be great in certain situations and today would have been a perfect example. I was at the Pumpkin Patch with my family and brought my P3S to take some photos and videos. We road out to the patch in a packed wagon pulled by a tractor. The bulky backpack and the time to setup (install props, etc) and pack-up the P3S, not to mention having to launch from the backpack because the terrain was bumpy and full of pumpkin vines would have been so much quicker and easier had I had a Spark.

I would probably just get the drone and not the flymore package as I just want to use it when it is inconvenient to bring my P3S. I take mostly photos with my P3S and from what I have been reading about the Spark the photo quality is just as good as the P3S. If I buy a Spark, I will probably wait until boxing day sales to get one off of Amazon. Hopefully the price with drop at least $150CDN as I find the price at this time a little steep.
I sold my Phantom when I got my Spark, for exactly the reasons you stated - Portability. I wouldn't get a Spark without a remote though.

Why not? Aside from the extra range and a bit more fine control the remote provides, are there any other advantages that would make the over $200CDN worth it?
It is perfect.... people say it's not 4k but are you filming a movie or a docco? Still shoots 4k photos and it's 1080p is pretty dam good. Most wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between the Sparks 1080p and the Mavic 4k video (I find the Sparks footage with color saturation is better than the Mavics but that is just my opinion). Tis non intimidating and so dam portable and fun to fly.
Why not? Aside from the extra range and a bit more fine control the remote provides, are there any other advantages that would make the over $200CDN worth it?
I find just the wifi connection between the phone and the Spark highly unstable as well. I often have frequent disconnects without even reaching the specified 30m range. Having the remote opens up a lot more possibilities with the extra range and stability... But that being said, if you're only getting a drone for very short distance flights and selfies, I guess you'd be able to survive without a remote.
Thanks for all the great advice. With regard to the pumpkin patch, I couldn't launch from the trailer as the tractor dropped off and picked up people constantly. Launching from my backpack was no problem but took more time and I hand caught when I came in to land. Time was a factor as the family was more into getting pumpkins than waiting for me to set up to get my shots of our family, so I felt rushed. Also, although I had permission and people knew I was flying my phantom, it still caused more of a distraction than say a Spark would have.

I have been going back and forth between getting a flymore package as I recognize the value of the remote and the extra battery and other pieces, but I only want it as a complement/travel/backup drone. I may end up getting flymore if the prices come down significantly.
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Why not? Aside from the extra range and a bit more fine control the remote provides, are there any other advantages that would make the over $200CDN worth it?

'a bit more fine control' - there isn't ANY fine control using your phone as a controller. As a Phantom pilot you'll fine it very frustrating trying to control the Spark with your phone.
Yes, controlling via phone is NOT the way to go. Besides the better connection you get with the remote, so much can go wrong with a touch interface. Hands get just a little sweaty and it's one hot mess. The nuanced control you get with the hardware RC is a night and day difference. I do think the Spark + remote to be a bit overpriced as well, but I have no remorse about going all in. :) Hopefully you can find a sale.
Thanks very much to all who have replied and gave me advice regarding to go with a controller or not. I very much appreciate it. For me, even though the high cost of the controller is hard to justify, I probably will go with the controller now instead of just my iPhone - likely the flymore package if the cost comes down around Christmas. Right now the Fly More package is $979CDN on Amazon - ouch! The Fly More package is basically the same amount I have paid for my P3S and all its accessories (two extra batteries, extended landing gear, hard case, backpack etc) but those were purchased over a number of months rather than all at once (Fly More). Also, I plan on doing lots of snowmobiling and X-country skiing this winter so the Spark would be a much easier system to bring in these circumstances.

One off topic question: What is an OTG cable? Is it similar to the cable that would be used on Lightbridge drones (P3A, P3P, P4,P4P)?

Thanks again for all the help.

Yeah don't fly the Spark without a controller.... easiest way to lose it. Plus the controller unlocks sport mode and with the extra range even with LOS you will have a much more steady connection with the controller.... plus the fine controls it offers.20170905_051346.jpg
I would not consider flying without the controller, period. There are enough little buggy quirks to worry about without introducing that deficiency, and your range is going to be severely hampered. The bag is rubbish, and the prop guards may come in handy (have not used them). The charger is well worth it, as you will need a bunch of batteries (I would say 3 is minimal, I have 5 plus a RAVpower charger).

This is my first drone, but even with my inexperience I can launch in less than 2 minutes. It is yellow, small cute and not intimidating at all. Good luck on your decision.
I would not consider flying without the controller, period. There are enough little buggy quirks to worry about without introducing that deficiency, and your range is going to be severely hampered. The bag is rubbish, and the prop guards may come in handy (have not used them). The charger is well worth it, as you will need a bunch of batteries (I would say 3 is minimal, I have 5 plus a RAVpower charger).

This is my first drone, but even with my inexperience I can launch in less than 2 minutes. It is yellow, small cute and not intimidating at all. Good luck on your decision.
I think I’ll be getting the controller as that seems to be the overwhelming consensus. Just trying to figure out if Flymore is worth it. Likely won’t use prop guards or bag so need to figure out if individual pieces are more cost effective.
Considering the remote is $150, and a second battery $50, just those two items pay for the fly more combo. Things like the bag and prop guards are just a little bonus.
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I made the mistake not buying the fly more.
Ended up paying a lot more for extra batteries, the battery charger (! Without one you have to charge much slower through USB!) and the remote... All things that turned out I needed.
Having just one battery might seem enough to you, but really two is what I'd consider minimum (I usually take 3 with me).
As for the prop guards - screw those, the spark is unpleasantly loud flying indoors anyways. They shouldn't influence your decision, neither should the bag - there are better and relatively cheap cases out there.
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I bought a landing pad for around $15, did not think I needed it, but it actually is pretty handy. I have 5 batteries, and instead of adding a 6th, I spent a little less ($39) to buy a RAVpower 20100mAh Input & Output Type C Battery Pack. The larger works for my craft, the remote, the batteries, my iPhone, and my laptop (good deal!). I ditched the Fly-more case, and bought a hard case that holds EVERYTHING (except the landing pad)... including 6 batteries, and my RAV too. This is the case ($25): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B072QWG49K/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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Haha, I have the same case. It had a different name where I bought it, but it's the same one.

Also, as a note on this case - it fits in my carry on backpack, so it's quite nice for traveling by plane.
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I am quite happy with it and did notice it sells under a bunch of different brand names. I was leaning towards a backpack style bag, but they were very expensive (around $100), and were HUGE. My photographer buddy bought a Spark the same day as I did, he bought this bag. After seeing it in person, and comparing it with the crazy lack of protection the Fly-more bag offered I bought the same one. It would be nice to have a shoulder strap, as it looks a bit odd to be trekking about in the woods/beach carrying a tiny little briefcase, but I just toss it in my backpack, or my nylon shoulder bag.
I made the mistake not buying the fly more.
Ended up paying a lot more for extra batteries, the battery charger (! Without one you have to charge much slower through USB!) and the remote... All things that turned out I needed.
Having just one battery might seem enough to you, but really two is what I'd consider minimum (I usually take 3 with me).
As for the prop guards - screw those, the spark is unpleasantly loud flying indoors anyways. They shouldn't influence your decision, neither should the bag - there are better and relatively cheap cases out there.
Thanks for the tips. The Flymore package is looking more and more like what I should go for. Just hoping prices will come down a bit. Don’t intend to use Spark as my primary drone - my P3S will serve that purpose but having a controller, charger and 2 batteries will make it pretty close to my P3S.
I bought a landing pad for around $15, did not think I needed it, but it actually is pretty handy. I have 5 batteries, and instead of adding a 6th, I spent a little less ($39) to buy a RAVpower 20100mAh Input & Output Type C Battery Pack. The larger works for my craft, the remote, the batteries, my iPhone, and my laptop (good deal!). I ditched the Fly-more case, and bought a hard case that holds EVERYTHING (except the landing pad)... including 6 batteries, and my RAV too. This is the case ($25): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B072QWG49K/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Here's the upgraded version, with special slots for the 3 bay charger and props for a mere $22.55 :)


I have the P3S and a Spark... I'd personally give up the phantom way faster than my spark. It's simply a hoot to fly, especially in sport mode. To me, the camera isn't too shabby, considering the overall package, features, abilities, etc. Mainly, the spark is wayyyyy faster to get in the air than the P3S as well, easily 3x so. Shoulda went with the fly more pack bud!!! I did for $641 off amazon, then ordered 2 more batteries, a parabolic reflector, gimbal guard for storage and the case (linked to) above. Couldn't be happier, even with the $$$ i had to lay out.
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