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Help me get started with the right gear.....


Mar 12, 2018
My new Spark flymore combo arrives on Thursday.

I've been doing lots of reading, and I have some questions about which device to buy and use.

I like the idea of using the OTG cable rather than WiFi. I've had WiFi issues near the house with other drones, and I would rather not deal with it at all. I have several new OTG cables for Apple, Android, and Android with the new C-type connector.

I have a couple of Android tablets, one of them a cheap RCA. I also have my late sister's IPhone, although I'm not sure which model. It was new in 2016 when she passed.

Should I even bother trying to use one of these devices, or should I just buy something new? If I buy something new, what is the best device to use with the OTG?

I really don't want to be fighting apps, firmware, or other issues. I want to fly.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
I'd suggest to start off, use the Spark as designed....with Wifi. A phone will fit the controller better than a tablet, so use that iPhone. Do your test flights and setup in a wide open space to get things working before you bring it home. Get used to how it works, where the limits are.

Keep in mind that OTG is not at all supported by DJI. If you have a problem while connected with a caboe, DJI may deny warranty.

Note as well, OTG does not eliminate wifi entirely; the RC still connects to the Spark by wifi. If you are in a congested wifi area, expect issues no matter how you connect your phone.
It's also good to note that currently, OTG only works 100% with iOS. With Android, you won't get all of your telemetry such as battery info, height, distance, etc. If you revert back to 4.1.15 version of the GO4 app, then OTG works.

However, I personally haven't had any issues with wifi connection to the RC.

Good luck
Thanks for your help. It actually arrived today. After the updates and downloads, it seems to be working great with the WiFi.

I can' believe how smoothly I'm able to fly with this thing. I'm spoiled now. ☺
Greetings from South Africa everyone
I am new to this forum, this is my maiden post !
Hello from the Mid-West, Darryl.

Welcome to the Forum .:cool:

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