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first crash and wrecked spark


Jul 15, 2019
A friend of mine decided to fly his spark to do record some videos of an establishment.
The spark had good gps lock, OTG secured and airplane mode was also enabled.

The spark hovered for about 10 second then we decided to flight to take it around 50 meters so we could do a forward + gimbal pan down movement but the video feed suddenly cut off showing "image transmission lost" and then we found out the spark had crashed from 50 meters high and the battery was still on. There was no way that a power line may have gotten in the way since we cleared that too. The only thing that bothers me is that the spark landed several meters away from it's battery.

There was no video feed of the spark losing control, hitting something or missing a prop. The video recording also got corrupted due to the power on the drone getting cut off.

Could this be another case of the spark losing power or a battery falling out mid flight? I have over 400+ flights records and this was my first time having this kind of crash which bothers me a lot since I do preflight checks and make sure my flights are safe.
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You said you cleared the power line. Was the power line between you and the Spark when it crashed?
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I would think you could find a telltale mark if it had hit a power line, but a solid impact could jar the battery loose.. Sorry that happened to your friend.
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You said you cleared the power line. Was the power line between you and the Spark when it crashed?
Never got a response on this, but if the OP "cleared" power lines, it sounds like he may have lost signal due to the power lines being between the controller and the Spark. If this was the case, Spark may have hit power lines during RTH. A hypothesis...maybe...
Sounds to me that the battery fell out. I fly over, under and all around regular power lines and high tension power lines as well as a cell tower being across the road and I have yet to experience any interference from them. The fact that the warning of the lost image transmission lost occurrence sure seems to indicate a total loss of power.

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