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Best practice: Getting footage from aircraft and creating a movie


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
Hey there,
I'm pretty new to all this, so maybe I'm just missing out on something but I couldn't find a way to conveniently getting footage in full quality from the spark, use these clips in the editor and creating a movie (with music, overlays, filters and these fancy things) that maintains the quality of the original footage. This is what I did:

1. Connecting Spark to RC and RC to iPhone SE via Wifi. Tried to download the original footage which was pain-in-the-*** at about 400kbit/s.

2. Connecting Spark directly to iPhone SE via Wifi which gave me acceptable 4000kbit/s. So I had all those "original"-flagged clips in the editor and began cutting and editing.

The product that was saved to my camera roll was 1080p (expected 720p from what I had read here), but the quality was WAY below the original footage, like there was some serious compressing taking place when "finalizing" the movie.

Is there any way to produce a movie with dji editor in FULL quality (1080p, no additional compression) or do I really have to copy all the raw clips to my macbook and do all the editing in iMovie? I really liked the option to do all the cutting and editing on the iPhone plus the dji editor app is really handy but I just can't live with the final output quality. Any suggestions?
DJI Go won't do that for you (720p and very low bandwidth) but GoPro's Quik will (1080p/35MBps) and it's free ! They also have Splice for more advanced editing but I haven't tried it as it's not available for Android.

To get direct access to the full resolution videos/pictures your best bet is to pop out the SD card from the Spark and use an external card reader. On Android the app doesn't even need to import them to the smartphone, not sure about iOS though.
I use a scandisk SD card to iOS reader to import files into my iPad (or iPhone) And then edit it all in iMovie. Works great...

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