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Videos that come with DJI app appearing in album?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2018
Hey anyone else have the issue where the tutorial vids that come with the app appear in their phones album? kinda annoying. not sure if its just safe to delete them though.

Sony Xperia z5
I have tutorials called "videoguide" and "visual_guide" show up on my LG phone in the picture gallery. I guess they were installed after an update. I also get a picture of a Mavic Air labeled "DJISPALSH" all of the time. Yes, that is the way it is spelled and even if I delete it, it comes back on it's own. I don't mind the tutorials so much but the Mavic Air picture is annoying. I would think that deleting them is your option and would be safe to do but they may reappear later.
I have deleted mine and have had no issues other than they come back from time. I just leave them now as I dont have issues with storage space
I think they reappear everytime the app is updated. Definitely if it's re-installed. Doubly annoying if you have the Mod installed side by side !!
Android I take it?

-Using a file manager app, like ES File Manager, go to the folders where those videos exist.

-Create a file called ".nomedia" in those folders.

-Android Photos will now ignore those folders.

Note, it is folder specific, so putting the .nomedia file in a higher folder will not affect subfolders. Also, if you put the file into a wrong folder, you will need to change setting to "show hidden files" (files with a period ahead of them are hidden) and delete the .nomedia file.
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