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[Video] My DJI Spark got hit by a Bus using the Quickshot "Rocket"!


New Member
Jun 23, 2017
Fellow Spark users - Don't risk using the Quickshots with only your phone as a controller!

What Happened

Using my Iphone 6s Plus as the controller, I initiated one of the Quickshots "Rocket", where the spark is meant to fly above you and present a bird's eye view of your surroundings. I assumed everything was safe because the GPS signal was green and a return point had been set.

After ascending between 20-30 meters, the spark had lost connection with the phone but the spark kept going higher, I'm estimating it reached between 45-55 meters, at this point everything on my phone was grey, it said disconnected and I could not control the drone or initiate the RTH. I would assume that if the spark had lost connection using the Rocket feature, it would stop ascending and instead go back to its original starting position, but the drone started to quickly fly away, 40-50 meters behind me and started to hover above traffic.

It then slowly began to descend, and I could not get on the road quickly enough since there was a tall barrier. One car had avoided it, but the bus behind it had slowed down slightly but quickly sped up again and crashed into the drone. By then I had jumped the fence and went to retrieve the drone, with God's blessing it didn't fly further or decided to disappear somewhere.

The spark had scratches around the body, mostly on the propellers, rotors, a little bit on the gimbal, and a little dent on the top. Luckily the camera didn't get any scratches. After the crash, the drone doesn't seem to be staying in place very well, and now struggles to get a GPS signal. I had a close call using the "Dronie" setting, because the drone almost crashed into a light-post flying backwards but i managed to press "X" on time and had it stop. If I had lost signal I wouldn't have been able to do anything...

I bought my spark in Guangzhou, China, and have already contacted my retailer. After sending him the video he was terrified and said this needed further investigation by DJI. I will be seeing him next Wednesday after my trip to Macau. Hopefully DJI will sort out these problems, since I believe most of the users won't op for the more expensive package with the R.C. and expect the presets to work out of the box.

I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else, don't use the Quickshots until DJI has sorted these bugs. please keep safe!
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Dude, sorry for your mishap, but you couldn't have picked a worse spot to attempt this. I'll say no more, because I'm sure others will join in.
Agreed! Too many cars and quite full of pedestrians

You are both correct, I wasn't actually that close to traffic but it flew pretty far behind me. Still doesn't make it a good idea.

My point is though, using these Quickshots you risk your drone flying away, even if you did it in a secluded area it could easily have landed on a body of water or some bushes.

I hope other users learn from my experience and take more precaution when flying their drone.
You are both correct, I wasn't actually that close to traffic but it flew pretty far behind me. Still doesn't make it a good idea.

My point is though, using these Quickshots you risk your drone flying away, even if you did it in a secluded area it could easily have landed on a body of water or some bushes.

I hope other users learn from my experience and take more precaution when flying their drone.
True, there are issues with the Spark features. Between this Forum & the DJI Spark forum there are MANY posts that discuss the issues.
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Yikes! You're going to ruin the drone hobby for many people. Never fly a drone in built up areas in the prime of the day with buildings, traffic, people everywhere! The crazy government would love to use you as an example for further restrictions on drones. You were lucky this time.
FYI, there is a red X icon that will stop the Quick Shot operation. The first time I tried the Helix, I was in a large open area bordered by some tall trees. I thought the trees were way too far away to be a concern. But, the Helix motion went in a very wide fast rotation fairly quickly. It started heading straight for the trees! I activated the Red X and Spark stopped just before hitting the top of one tree. I lost wifi control and Spark activated RTH after about a minute. Not sure if it was the Red X or loss of wifi that caused Spark to stop. I'm glad I thought I was too far from the trees.....turned out I was just barely too far! Went home to change.....:)

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