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Spark 2 or Mavic Air 2 next

Does the Spark have to remain connected to the remote when flying a waypoint mission or can it complete a mission and return on it's own using GPS? ie; what would happen if the remote died or lost signal to the drone?

Already a great entry level drone. Would like to see waypoint missions for the Spark using the Go app, rear object avoidance, improved battery life, Mavic type range, and a camera with zoom capability. Think adding all that might be prohibitive to keeping it affordable for a first time flyer. Other than that ...love my Spark.

If RC gets disconnected from Spark during a Litchi waypoint mission the aircraft will complete the mission anyway (not necessarily returning to home unless that was also the final waypoint). The waypoint mission is uploaded to the Spark so it doesn't require RC input to finish.

Your description of your "ideal Spark 2.0" sounds remarkably like a Mavic 2 Zoom -- including the jump in price. Lol
My votes would be better range and replace wi-FI. Range is my only issue as an entry level picture drone. 4K would be good.

Improved range is largely useless unless they greatly improve battery life as well. With current ~11 minute flight time you've already gotta turn around and head home painfully soon - can't really get much farther even if the connection method was better.

They talk about "battery range anxiety" with new Tesla owners but anemic Spark battery capacity really limits usefulness. The only cure for me was adding a MP1 to the hangar.
As compact as it is, I would still like to see foldable arms...just to make it even more compact for transporting.
If RC gets disconnected from Spark during a Litchi waypoint mission the aircraft will complete the mission anyway (not necessarily returning to home unless that was also the final waypoint). The waypoint mission is uploaded to the Spark so it doesn't require RC input to finish.

Your description of your "ideal Spark 2.0" sounds remarkably like a Mavic 2 Zoom -- including the jump in price. Lol
Thanx for your reply!
Staying away form Litchi at least until the warranty is up. Have only tried it once, but using the Pilot app, isn't home always the final waypoint after the mission is completed?
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Thanx for your reply!
Staying away form Litchi at least until the warranty is up. Have only tried it once, but using the Pilot app, isn't home always the final waypoint after the mission is completed?

Litchi may have changed but last time I used it all the waypoints could be set manually -- including the last one. You could make it the same as home point or have it finish a kilometer away -- it just depends on your mission goal.

I would typically have it finish about 100 feet away from me at 100' AGL so I could hear the props and land it under VLOS. Worked great every time but now I just prefer to fly freestyle.
The Spark’s 1080p camera is pretty decent since it’s only a fun and hobby quad, but what I really want to see coming is a 3-axis gimbal. If I want a more serious video, I’ll use my Mavic Pro.
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They can also make step improvements to the current spark. Eg a stronger battery, introduce waypoints in the software
I’m more than happy with Litchi, I’ll prefer any upgrade to be in the hardwear, but then again how much can they do that still keeps it at the same range of cost below the M2’s
Does the Spark have to remain connected to the remote when flying a waypoint mission or can it complete a mission and return on it's own using GPS? ie; what would happen if the remote died or lost signal to the drone?

Already a great entry level drone. Would like to see waypoint missions for the Spark using the Go app, rear object avoidance, improved battery life, Mavic type range, and a camera with zoom capability. Better ground clearance would definitely be an improvement. Think adding all that might be prohibitive to keeping it affordable for a first time flyer. Other than that ...love my Spark.
With Litchi App when you use Waypoints, the Spark becomes a “Beast”. The mission is uploaded to the bird and once the upload is complete (3 seconds), it will fly the complete mission and return home safely even if you loose connection. The keys to the success of the Litchi Waypoints feature I follow are below and they are very simple, just take your time to learn them:

a) Learn how to plan your mission, see the 2 links below:

b) Learn how to preview your mission on GoogleEarth using the Virtual Litchi Mission (VLM) see link below:

c) Plan your mission to the extend that it does not take longer than your battery life.

d) Make certain that conditions are good (I use the “UAV Forecast” App). Very important metrics to check are: Sats Locked (minimum 11) and the Kp (maximum 5). The App is very simple.

e) Have everything fully charged before running the mission: Drone, Controller and iPad or iPhone.

If you still need help I can skype with you and walk you through the whole process. I started flying drones 4 weeks ago but have flown 22 missions successfully with Litchi Waypoints and love it.
Litchi may have changed but last time I used it all the waypoints could be set manually -- including the last one. You could make it the same as home point or have it finish a kilometer away -- it just depends on your mission goal.

I would typically have it finish about 100 feet away from me at 100' AGL so I could hear the props and land it under VLOS. Worked great every time but now I just prefer to fly freestyle.
I haven’t had any troubles with Litchi. In regards to the warranty, Litchi is using the SDK platform that DJI recently opened for developers. I read in some of my research about this that the warranty it recognized by DJI once the developer of an App is using SDK. I personally feel comfortable with it, everyone looking into using should verify it too.
If RC gets disconnected from Spark during a Litchi waypoint mission the aircraft will complete the mission anyway (not necessarily returning to home unless that was also the final waypoint). The waypoint mission is uploaded to the Spark so it doesn't require RC input to finish.

Your description of your "ideal Spark 2.0" sounds remarkably like a Mavic 2 Zoom -- including the jump in price. Lol
In the general settings you can preset it to RTH after the mission is complete and it will, just make sure the home point is properly set before you take off
In the general settings you can preset it to RTH after the mission is complete and it will, just make sure the home point is properly set before you take off

Yes. But as I said I prefer to have my Spark finish the mission about 100 feet out and 100 feet up so that it can be easily heard and seen for a manually controlled landing.

The RTH is gonna put it directly overhead (unless you've walked away) and I prefer not to have it straight up such that I'm craning my neck and fighting the sun.

But that's a great thing about Litchi -- can customize much better than standard DJI Go app -- it's up to the pilot.
I haven’t had any troubles with Litchi. In regards to the warranty, Litchi is using the SDK platform that DJI recently opened for developers. I read in some of my research about this that the warranty it recognized by DJI once the developer of an App is using SDK. I personally feel comfortable with it, everyone looking into using should verify it too.

I haven't had any trouble flying with Litchi either. After the first few waypoint missions I just ran out of uses for it.

I've had my Spark serviced by DJI since using Litchi and my coverage was still intact so I'm not at all concerned about that going forward. I didn't "research" it but my first hand experience says warranty still okay with Litchi. YMMV
Better bit rate in the processor, like 2x or 3x... I am okay with 1080 60fps, 2k would be cool too. Longer battery life I think is my second main desire however.

I totally agree. 11 minute flight time is a drag.

Increased battery capacity is tricky because of the added battery weight also requiring greater power draw to keep it airborne. And the current battery efficiency is already maxed out so little room there. I suspect (as you suggested) the answer lies in a more efficient processor to better manage the power consumption. Especially tough given the new features we are all clamoring for. Lol

It would be a total non-starter for me if Spark 2.0 still limited to 11 minute flight time!
For me, I’d like to see better gps resolution on the camera. That would make it a decent entry level 3D modeling/mapping drone.
I’m just interested in seeing what they do. It will say a lot on what can be expected for other models future. How better can the Mavic get? Wow!

I’m satisfied with the Spark so far for being my first drone. Personally can’t ask for much improvement. Range is good when I use the Litchi app. I just flew a 9,900ft round trip with waypoints without a sweat (will share later). The obstacle avoidance all angles will be good. Camera improvements... that’ll be something!!!

I’m ready for the Mavic 2. The question is... Pro or Zoom. I cannot make a decision.
I chose Mavic 2 Zoom for my next drone. The real difference is 20 mp vs 12mp and zoom. I do mostly still photos and I’m fine with that. For better “pro quality” video the pro might be a good choice.
I chose Mavic 2 Zoom for my next drone. The real difference is 20 mp vs 12mp and zoom. I do mostly still photos and I’m fine with that. For better “pro quality” video the pro might be a good choice.
Not sure if I am reading your reply wrong but the Mavic 2 zoom has a 12MP camera, same as Spark but with zoom capability. The Mavic 2 Pro has the 20MP camera.

I would love to upgrade to the Mavic 2 Pro as I shoot mostly photos as well, but the price at over $2000 CDN and the new drone rules coming into effect in June are making me have 2nd thoughts about any future upgrades.

Just get the Spark 2 under 250 grams and I would be happy for an entry level quad. For us USA pilots, I fear it will be very hard to find any place to fly in the near future if you’re 250 grams or heavier. Amazon and others really want the airspace we fly in. Not too hard to figure out who will lose in this battle.

The hobbyist exemption, Section 332, was later repealed by the 2018 FAA Reauthorization Act and replaced with a narrower exemption that expressly authorizes the FAA to promulgate rules applicable to hobbyists relating to registration and marking (and, importantly for the remote ID policy issue discussed above, “the standards for remotely identifying owners and operators of [UAS]”).
I think they need to improve the navigation system including GPS. The current GPS does not appear to be sufficiently reliable. Reducing the weight to below 250 grams would open up more legal flying zones, at least in Germany.
I certainly would not mind a Spark with an extended battery life up in the Mavic 2's 30-ish minutes area. Flight time aloft is important to me for longer surveys, more detailed 3D image mapping, and just plain aerial loitering and enjoying the view from on-high. :D And extended battery means extra power or time available for fighting those pesky sidewinds, or racing home 1 km with only 10-12% to spare! :)

4K video not so important, as video codec support from online video services can be sketchy at best, and depends on the viewer hardware to support it. Plus I find that 1080p and 720p are *more* than detailed without having a really bloated video file size and still have that 'wow' factor when viewing on a typical household large screen computer monitor or even most tvs. 4K, I believe, really only shines if you are projecting in a movie theater.
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