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Phantom Falls Oroville, CA


May 5, 2019
Shot at Phantom Falls in Oroville California. I went out there the week before while the wild flowers were in full bloom but got caught in a thunderstorm while flying my 2nd battery and had to hike back to the car in the pooring rain.... unfortunately by the time I was able to go back the next weekend the flowers were pretty much gone..
In any case, the landscape is still beautiful.

I did a woopsie and had my white balance on auto the whole time.... not sure how it ended up on that since it usually sticks on the last setting but you may see some color issues that I couldnt quite fix in post.

Hope you all enjoy

Very impressive. I'm looking to buy a Spark, and I wish that I had somewhere like that to go fly it (SoCal aaargh)
Very nice.

Thanks for sharing :)
Well done! Very smooth on the sticks and great editing.
I like the compound stick movements, not just straight forward/backwards or left/right.
Very impressive. I'm looking to buy a Spark, and I wish that I had somewhere like that to go fly it (SoCal aaargh)
It's all about being creative - there's beauty everywhere!
Wow, not the sort of place you want to stumble around in at night! No safety railings anywhere (of course that would spoil the natural beauty). Very nice video, were you using Litchi?

Thanks! Yes I pretty much use litchi exclusively. Though I don't really use the waypoints since the camera doesn't move all that smoothly. I absolutely love courselock though.
Shot at Phantom Falls in Oroville California. I went out there the week before while the wild flowers were in full bloom but got caught in a thunderstorm while flying my 2nd battery and had to hike back to the car in the pooring rain.... unfortunately by the time I was able to go back the next weekend the flowers were pretty much gone..
In any case, the landscape is still beautiful.

I did a woopsie and had my white balance on auto the whole time.... not sure how it ended up on that since it usually sticks on the last setting but you may see some color issues that I couldnt quite fix in post.

Hope you all enjoy

That is absolutely awesome!

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