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Jul 8, 2017
Some may remember my spark-into-a-building situation last year...
Well I got another one. I fly it daily, and am wondering how long the motors last before needing to be replaced?
am wondering how long the motors last before needing to be replaced?
Unless you damage the motors, you should not have to replace them.
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Or... get a lot of dirt or debris in them!!!
This is why palm launching/landing is the absolute coolest feature of this drone and makes it the one for me.
Sure there are bearings. But they should be good for the life of the aircraft. In the event one fails, it would be easier just to replace the entire motor. Think the motors are ~$25 USD.
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Sure there are bearings. But they should be good for the life of the aircraft. In the event one fails, it would be easier just to replace the entire motor. Think the motors are ~$25 USD.
Thanks. Is it possible to put a drop of synthetic bearing oil on the bearings to help bearing last longer.
No lube should be used at all as it may attract dust and cause more harm than good.

A can of compressed air, the type used for computers, should suffice at keeping the motors clear of debris.

While you're at it, blow around the gimbal and the side vents to ensure they are clear of dust.
When off and I spin my props with my finger I have one motor that is very slow compared to the other three. It does not spin as freely.
A little synthetic oil shouldnt harm it tho

If DJI wanted the motors lubed, it would be in the manual to do so.

With a coat of oil on the motor, it may retain heat in the motor, that would normally dissipate under normal use, and may shorten the life of the motor.

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