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Litchi app.....


Oct 19, 2019
Is the Litchi app really worth the $23 you pay for it. I just bought a Spark and am curious if it’s necessary.

It's certainly not necessary if DJI GO meets your needs.
Is the Litchi app really worth the $23 you pay for it. I just bought a Spark and am curious if it’s necessary.

Hi there I have litchi which I use on my Mavic Platinum and my Spark. Litchi is great for way points etc. Get it regards Irvine (Portsmouth Uk)
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Litchi lets you program autonomous waypoint missions while DJI Go4 does not. Litchi also gives Home Lock and Course Lock. If HL and CL is all you want you can get that for less cost with Elit for DJI.
Sorry, but... whats home lock / course lock ?

Has anyone experiencies with RED WAYPOINT FOR DJI which has an even better rating/ranking that LITCHI ? (Because i didn't find the above suggestet ELITE)

tks a lot
It's Elit (no "e") for iOS only.

I have both...I guess the curiosity got the best of my wallet. I find the similar to apple and android. If you just want something that does waypoints simply then get Red Waypoints if you want something that has a lot more features and works well also get Litchi. I use Litchi for complexes missions and Red Waypoints for more simple missions. I hope this helps! The biggest tip I found with flying missions though, is to fly up ahead of planning your mission and make sure that you're above the tallest obstacle in your area when you fly your mission. Remember you have a 1080p camera on a spark and even at that height you can zoom in on pretty much anything you want in post-production and it will still be clear.
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This helps too:

Hmmm, don't know what happened. Clicking the link doesn't do anything, but I confirmed that the URL is correctly copied and works outside of the link I posted. Let's try it again.

Course Lock & Home Lock explained

I think I know what happened. I use the "insert link" in the menu, but the link showed the URL only and did not have a title. Apparently the thread didn't like that. This one has both and is verified to work. Sorry about that. ( I went back and repaired the original link, so they're both working now.)
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Home Lock is called "headless mode" on cheaper gps drones..
Drone will fly in the direction of your sticks, regardless of drone's pointing direction. Right stick down will bring your drone home.
Really neat feature in certain situations, and it will automatic stop and hover about 5 meter from home point (it will not pass over your head).
Course Lock is very different. Pilots with no experience of this mode can really make a mess of the flight. Take precautions as stick moves will change according to drone's pointing direction.
After spending 10 batteries in this mode, I still do not master it to perfection!
Check out videos on Youtube to learn about these modes.

BTW, Litchi is worth every penny!
Course Lock is useful if the pilot wants to record video/stills in a direction other than the direction of flight. For instance, shooting the length of a beach. Point the aircraft in a direction parallel to the beach, initiate CL and the rotate aircraft towards beach. Aircraft flies sideways. When finished switch to Home Lock and call it home with reverse right stick.
What do you mean about the warranty??
If your bird is less than a 12 months old (since activated) or you do have an active DJI Care Refresh deal.....then you are covered by warranty..
If any of the above states are true, pilots hesitate to try out 3.part apps.
Me, personally, wouldn't care... I can hardly remember any topic where the used app is responsible for a crash or fly away.
All 3.part apps, like Litchi, use a sdk from DJI..

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