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Is Air Magic worth it? Help me decide.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
Hi all. Have been taking a close look at Air Magic with a view to buy. Have downloaded the trial version. Other Forum contributors have shown how good it is-basically a slider driven system that is really easy to use. It’s about £30. I have got quite skilled at Apple’s Photos basic editing system which admittedly requires a few clicks and slides but it’s quick too. Here’s 3 pics (plus one of the old pilot). If they don’t come out in the right order the dark one is the orig. the Air Magic has the watermark and the other is the Apple job. Any views gratefully received. HEY HO just uploaded the pics to the Forum and the Air Magic one is a tiff and won’t load-“wrong file type” so what a joke! Perhaps I can save it in a different file type. Anyway here it all is and I’ll wait to see if anyone has thoughts on the tiff problem.283B4E80-5867-4901-9101-257F8993F7B9.jpegDF878423-6E76-433E-ADBD-9889FE94AF1F.jpeg91ED3FBC-009F-46D6-A235-D22F91EDAFCB.jpeg
I don't have it but have seen good results from others. I remember one comment was that it was easy to "over due it" with AM.
If you enter "air magic" into the search box you will see a couple of other comments.
Thanks. Have gone to Skylum who run Air Magic to see what they say about the TIFF issue. It does look a good simple to use resource.
Thanks. You’re almost as old as me! The file type on my Mac for this pic (with watermark) is JPEG but as soon as I attempt an upload (on my iPad, from Photos) it shows TIFF and rejects the file. Any thoughts?
I use AirMagic a lot on both drone and camera photos. I do not yet have the skills to use the more sophisticated software! AirMagic makes my rubbish look almost acceptable! As someone else has posted you can export your results in a number of different image format. Good value for money in my opinion.
Very weird. Here is another shot edited with Air Magic (trial version with watermark) and it uploads perfectly. Think I’ll just put the other one down to my incompetence with computer things and buy the darn thing. Thanks for all your helpful input. It looks a great editing tool and slider system suits my amateur skills!!507E2CCC-CA3B-45C0-864F-4D025817525B.jpeg
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I'm another happy airmagic user. Like somebody else hear alluded to, I don't have the time, patients, and brains for the more detailed software enhancement. I am happy with how it more often than not, corrects the colour and improves the image.here are some resized imagesDJI_0040.JPGDJI_0042.JPGDJI_0045.JPGDJI_0046.JPGDJI_0049.JPGDJI_0056.JPG
I didn't like air majic. It lacks the edit features like luminair 3 which i use currently, and been happy with it. Luminair 4 is out and you can download a timed trial version of the program
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Thanks for revisiting this subject. I got my money back on Airmagic and they sent me a discount voucher should I be tempted by Luminar 4 when it came out. Had forgotten about it so will have a look at the new one. Think it’s more expensive but perhaps it does more.
OT: Twickers, sometimes we construct a mental image of someone we've corresponded with, but have never seen. Such is the case in your selfie in the last shot of your original post. I had pictured you as more of a Martin Barre than as a Jimmy Buffet ;). In either case, you are as talented with your craft as they are with theirs. Good show,sir!
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