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'Indoor mode' please DJI...


Active Member
Sep 25, 2017
Hey everyone...
I've had my Spark about 10 days and due to poor weather I have only flown it outside once. I live in a house that's large enough to fly a Spark around in, negotiating hallways, furniture obstacles and of course chasing the cat, but the problem is that once indoors there's zero satellites and it enters ATTI mode. As most of you know, one cannot select tripod mode in ATTI mode so the Spark wanders all over the place. I call it 'drunk mode' which is fine outside as there's not much to crash into.
So, I thought it would be good if DJI could create an 'Indoor mode' where the Spark or other DJI drone, could be in tripod mode with all obstacle avoidance sensors activated, before it is launched allowing one to have better control indoors.
What do other people think? I don't imagine it would be difficult to create an 'indoor mode' from a technical point of view...
Cheers and happy flying!
Tripod mode is available. Just can't launch in it. Can switch over to tripod mode when airborne. I fly inside all the time in fpv mode using litchi and a set of cheap phone headset.
Tripod mode is available. Just can't launch in it. Can switch over to tripod mode when airborne. I fly inside all the time in fpv mode using litchi and a set of cheap phone headset.
I launch my Spark in atti mode then try to select tripod mode but it doesn't work. Have tried it many times with no luck. Outdoors in GPS mode, it (tripod mode) works fine. I have even flown it from outside whilst in tripod mode, to indoors and it goes straight into atti mode.... Must be a glitch somewhere...
OPTI mode is what you are looking for. No more drunk Spark.
Doesn't the Spark select Opti/atti on it's own when GPS is not available? I have only ever seen atti on a yellow/orange background, never seen Opti anywhere....
I launch my Spark in atti mode then try to select tripod mode but it doesn't work. Have tried it many times with no luck. Outdoors in GPS mode, it (tripod mode) works fine. I have even flown it from outside whilst in tripod mode, to indoors and it goes straight into atti mode.... Must be a glitch somewhere...
Refresh your firmware on the Spark. Att mode is just using the camera and sensors which tripod mode uses. Tripod doesn't rely on GPS to function. Sounds like your firmware has a glitch. Best to do a refresh of it. I fly mine indoors all the time. Make sure your not in sport mode too.
Just tried it out again this morning. Armed motors, took off about 30cm and activated tripod mode but got a message about it not switching over so I selected tripod mode again and it worked. Even tested transition from inside my 3rd story unit to flying outside. Worked good except I couldn't acquire gps signal when I flew out side due to the tall buildings but it stayed in Att mode and was stable.

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