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For all those with "Fly away" fears please read.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2017
Like some of you on this forum I am a brand new Spark owner, after getting the Spark I hit the forums and Youtube and tried to learn as much as I could about this little UAV and all it's features and quirks. I got a little scared after seeing post after post about the dreaded NO GPS/IMU Compass errors that seem to lead to the Spark flying away from the user. No lie I thought I made a bad first purchase drone (other then my indoor 5-7 inch toys that only have Atti mode lol)
I sat on this thing for about a week due to cold temps here in NY State and flew it around the house in Atti mode to get a feel for it, well today I grew a set and took little Spark on it's maiden outdoor flight.
I must say what a great piece of tech! Zero issues connecting everything together, zero issues with the Spark in the air. Fly's great and handles winds pretty good for it's size. Had it up 375 feet and got some great footage. No signal drop no GPS drip zero errors. So if anyone else got a little scared from all the fly away posts, go give your Spark a shot, by no means am I saying there is no fly away issues I'm just thinking it's not as wide spread as 5he forums would have you believe.
I was using the .15 Android app with OTG and Note 8 and remote.
Good news...IMO as long as your fly the Spark in the ideal environment and realize that its no Mavic or Phantom. it can be a very capable platform.
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Like some of you on this forum I am a brand new Spark owner, after getting the Spark I hit the forums and Youtube and tried to learn as much as I could about this little UAV and all it's features and quirks. I got a little scared after seeing post after post about the dreaded NO GPS/IMU Compass errors that seem to lead to the Spark flying away from the user. No lie I thought I made a bad first purchase drone (other then my indoor 5-7 inch toys that only have Atti mode lol)
I sat on this thing for about a week due to cold temps here in NY State and flew it around the house in Atti mode to get a feel for it, well today I grew a set and took little Spark on it's maiden outdoor flight.
I must say what a great piece of tech! Zero issues connecting everything together, zero issues with the Spark in the air. Fly's great and handles winds pretty good for it's size. Had it up 375 feet and got some great footage. No signal drop no GPS drip zero errors. So if anyone else got a little scared from all the fly away posts, go give your Spark a shot, by no means am I saying there is no fly away issues I'm just thinking it's not as wide spread as 5he forums would have you believe.
I was using the .15 Android app with OTG and Note 8 and remote.
Forums can easily become very negative places, so credit to you for bringing some much needed positivity ..
Forums can easily become very negative places, so credit to you for bringing some much needed positivity ..

I agree. I was fairly paranoid my first few flights... exclusively due to posters on this forum; however, since I have had zero reason to doubt that the Spark lives up to DJI’s stated performance expectations. It’s loads of fun. But also, I’m not pushing range limits or expecting it to be a smaller Mavic.
I was very worried as well, got my first flight, very reserved, but had it in air for 11 minutes, and got it up to around 40 feet, then walked around with it. Phone only, android, so I was monitoring closely.
I could not connect first night, had buyer remorse. Well, after today, I am full in. Awesome product. Can't wait to become a better pilot. Will definitely purchase a magic platinum one of these years.
Just make sure when you take off, it say homepoint has been updated. If it doesn't, re launch. Just in case you fly a mile away or so like I do, controller connected too of coarse.
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This isn't a bearing of bad news in anyway, just had a near fly away today, drone disconnected before flight, then was fine, had a compass error mid flight 30 sec after take-off, started flying towards the mountains and houses uphill, managed to counteract the wind and whatever it was doing and bring it somewhat safely back down before it slammed into my neighbors house xD. This is an area I have flown in for months and no major changes have happened, so I just want to say to everyone, stay cool, be prepared, and practice in ideal places before you take it out to potentially hazardous areas :) I guess I'm just in an area where OTG is required cause this is my second flight where something bad has happened when I tried to fly only using WiFi connections. I was hopeful to lose the cable lol
Anyways, fun flights everyone! Be Safe :D
This isn't a bearing of bad news in anyway, just had a near fly away today, drone disconnected before flight, then was fine, had a compass error mid flight 30 sec after take-off, started flying towards the mountains and houses uphill, managed to counteract the wind and whatever it was doing and bring it somewhat safely back down before it slammed into my neighbors house xD. This is an area I have flown in for months and no major changes have happened, so I just want to say to everyone, stay cool, be prepared, and practice in ideal places before you take it out to potentially hazardous areas :) I guess I'm just in an area where OTG is required cause this is my second flight where something bad has happened when I tried to fly only using WiFi connections. I was hopeful to lose the cable lol
Anyways, fun flights everyone! Be Safe :D

thats scary. Have you update the firmware? in the back of my head, I always worry something like this will happen, even though I have had a lot of flights. Glad you were able to get it back.
This isn't a bearing of bad news in anyway, just had a near fly away today, drone disconnected before flight, then was fine, had a compass error mid flight 30 sec after take-off, started flying towards the mountains and houses uphill, managed to counteract the wind and whatever it was doing and bring it somewhat safely back down before it slammed into my neighbors house xD. This is an area I have flown in for months and no major changes have happened, so I just want to say to everyone, stay cool, be prepared, and practice in ideal places before you take it out to potentially hazardous areas :) I guess I'm just in an area where OTG is required cause this is my second flight where something bad has happened when I tried to fly only using WiFi connections. I was hopeful to lose the cable lol
Anyways, fun flights everyone! Be Safe :D
So, the OTG cable its a must? In every flight.

Because im using the last version this option its not available more.
Played with mine today! Nice unit and a blast to fly! The mavic is better platform too. That said you can really count on spark to do well too. Then count on spark to really tweak ya in sport mode. LEARN TO FLY ATTI! Stay close where you can see it to tell its orientation if you fear fly away. Rec home pt before fly away. Make sure your rth height is set according to obstacles present. Don't fly with choppy video unless adherence to above is absolute. Fly sport mode in small field until confidence is true with low fast controlled flight.

Simulate loss of orientation when video feed works well to allow yourself learn ways to regain orientation when you can only see a dot.

I use rotate bit fly forward bit when I cannot remember my last move or some turbulence takes me; when it's a dot in the distance. Rotate bit fly forward a bit will localise its orientation if your screen goes black or only Rc works. I learned to fly Rc planes when one had to really pilot! Flew to little dots we did distance dog fights. We did not loose a plane unless we made a honest piloting error, or construction error. Built rib by rib them wings.

If it's a dot u see which way it goes when stick is forward. This is relative to YOU the pilot ok. Once we know which way it points we can return it home. The rth path usually snakes rather than stays straight, we are human.

I used dji assistant to tweak the crafts tilt angles and velocities of up/ down in sport mode config. Wow spinner, this bird is cool if I crash I have the care refresh. That said I'm not careless with my flight decisions. I do push limits at times but not too much beyond. I tweak it till I can smash it up fast go normal mode get shots then sport mode drop back fast for quick reset or rth when bat hits 30.

Spark is also always in your bag and ready to go... the best cam is the one you have on you!
Played with mine today! Nice unit and a blast to fly! The mavic is better platform too. That said you can really count on spark to do well too. Then count on spark to really tweak ya in sport mode. LEARN TO FLY ATTI! Stay close where you can see it to tell its orientation if you fear fly away. Rec home pt before fly away. Make sure your rth height is set according to obstacles present. Don't fly with choppy video unless adherence to above is absolute. Fly sport mode in small field until confidence is true with low fast controlled flight.

Simulate loss of orientation when video feed works well to allow yourself learn ways to regain orientation when you can only see a dot.

I use rotate bit fly forward bit when I cannot remember my last move or some turbulence takes me; when it's a dot in the distance. Rotate bit fly forward a bit will localise its orientation if your screen goes black or only Rc works. I learned to fly Rc planes when one had to really pilot! Flew to little dots we did distance dog fights. We did not loose a plane unless we made a honest piloting error, or construction error. Built rib by rib them wings.

If it's a dot u see which way it goes when stick is forward. This is relative to YOU the pilot ok. Once we know which way it points we can return it home. The rth path usually snakes rather than stays straight, we are human.

I used dji assistant to tweak the crafts tilt angles and velocities of up/ down in sport mode config. Wow spinner, this bird is cool if I crash I have the care refresh. That said I'm not careless with my flight decisions. I do push limits at times but not too much beyond. I tweak it till I can smash it up fast go normal mode get shots then sport mode drop back fast for quick reset or rth when bat hits 30.

Spark is also always in your bag and ready to go... the best cam is the one you have on you!
I would say that although you have had a great experience. People should educate themselves and still be fearful. :). This will make sure you understand and prepare properly when flying.

Otherwise have fun and safely.
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thats scary. Have you update the firmware? in the back of my head, I always worry something like this will happen, even though I have had a lot of flights. Glad you were able to get it back.
Latest firmware for all devices, just a lot of people who don't know they can turn down their router's strength a bit. When I open up WiFi connections on an average day I have over 15 ones that are full signal, 20-ish that are at 2 bars, and too many to count at 1 bar or below cycling in and out of detection.
So, the OTG cable its a must? In every flight.

Because im using the last version this option its not available more.
It is a must for those who need it, majority being those who use Android, phones over tablets, and are in WiFi dense areas. But for a good portion of Spark users, no OTG is better, and certainly lacking bugs xD
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[QUOTE="It is a must for those who need it, majority being those who use Android, phones over tablets, and are in WiFi dense areas. But for a good portion of Spark users, no OTG is better, and certainly lacking bugs xD[/QUOTE]

Today I flew only 421mt at 31 altitude and the app told me "weak signal"
It's normal using rc controller?
I'm on an open area.

You think is better in my case downgrade and use otg? The spark will be safe?
So, the OTG cable its a must? In every flight.

Because im using the last version this option its not available more.
I've tested OTG with 5 different androids as I was having terrible lag - over 30 secs on an old Samsung Note 3 which was tge worst by far.

Once I fully cleaned out as much of the bloatware as possible - turned off as many background apps - went into flight mode - - - the change was amazing - all 5 androids super fast and when I tried the OTG it was actually slower...
I've tested OTG with 5 different androids as I was having terrible lag - over 30 secs on an old Samsung Note 3 which was tge worst by far.

Once I fully cleaned out as much of the bloatware as possible - turned off as many background apps - went into flight mode - - - the change was amazing - all 5 androids super fast and when I tried the OTG it was actually slower...
Forgot to say that selecting the correct WiFi channel is also critical imo
I got the spark for christmas and really like it but I too had the dreaded fly away. I have a new one coming and just want to know how it can be avoided. I guess I was fortunate that it hit a tree and came down but it needs to be replaced. I have read about being ready to fly in atti mode but when mine decided to take off it was like it was in sport mode and no matter what i did it didnt respond. When looking at the flight records it shows a weak gps signal but when it was launched it was fine. It was just above my yard and had just had a flight with no problem 1 hour before. I am wondering if it had cleared the trees if maybe I might have been able to get it to come back with rth but as it was there was no response from controller and I did try rth before it hit the tree. I wish I knew for sure if it was my fault or a glitch in the drone because it was probably too cold and a little windy but as I said it had worked fine just earlier. When i get my new one back I will only fly in open areas for a while until I am confident it will respond ok but after what happened I know that there is no warning, it just takes off like its on a mission. Not being negative because I think it's a great drone. I am still super happy with it and looking forward to my new one. I am new to this hobby and was amazed at the quality of the video when watching on my tv. Happy flying.
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@David Quartermain, check out your TXT flight log to see if it explains what happened. You can upload and view it online here. If you'd like other people to review and comment on your flight log, then please post a link back here after you upload it.
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msinger I have looked at the flight logs and I cant find the ones for the day of the crash. Im not sure why as I was looking at them the day it happened. I synced them as told by dji not sure if that has anything to do with it.

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