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DJI Go 4.3.37


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Greetings, not finding any discussion of recent updates, thought I would ask if anyone has installed and noted any issues? There appears to have been 2 quick updates after .32 to .36 then .37... the most I can seem to find is it fixes some warning dialog from .36 to .37, so I am assuming everything else is working fine, but its also nice to hear from other pilots whether they installed it and had no issues..... I am using IOS, but any feedback is good..

I am still on .24 (iOS) not updating unless it’s worth it. I always like to see if it improves anything like single ,video feed ,etc.Or if it causes issues with those things or error etc.
I wish it said more than "Bugfix" for iOs. (4.3.37).

Took a peak on the Droid side of the Go4 update and it says added French support. (4.3.36).
I guess the question is if you flown with it, does it seem stable. Based on what I can find it has something to do with some dialog they fixed.. So not much if anything else has changed, it may not be obvious.
Yea maybe I really wish they would add in gimble control when in RTH mode for iOS. I saw someone flyng with android and it worked for them not sure what version of go they were using but they had the new dialog to tell you you are flying outside of line of sight
I'm personally hoping they fix the RTMP issues on android.
As i really want to stream to twitch...

Works fine on the ipad but i want to use my phone not a massive ipad LOL!
im not sure which update number it was... but one of the more recent (last 6 months), i had to disable caching whilst using an OTG cable. Had one iPad replaced as it became that hot i could hold it, physically could touch it. turned caching off and the problem went away. worth noting that it had never been an issue previously, had caching set to its limits. Tried it with the new iPad and had the same result, very quickly unplugged it, was attached for less than 30sec. I only ever used caching for a quick look in the field and nothing else. SD adapter works just as quick and only introduces one additional step whilst reviewing in the field.
I"m not a noob but I've got to ask. Can you pull files off the sd card right into the DJI GO? I like the quick editor for giving my wife a quick video from the day, but 1/2 the time I'm missing footage on my phone so I have to get it from the card. I pulled it over wifi one night and not only did it take forever but 1 file refused to transfer. It'd die seconds into the transfer. I pulled it off the SD on my laptop just fine though.
So i upgraded to this version the other day and video is laggy and choppy at distances where it wasn't with .24 (which was the version i was running without issue) . Also there is another post about this in another section on this forum but the status bar at the top is now white and doesn't not show the time remaining but the bar does move like it should as you get closer to your RTH and low battery warning.
Now the question is can I roll back to my previous version on iOS ? I was very unhappy with this update and there has to be more than "bugfixes" in there. I know this because using Litchi at the same distance my video feed was solid.
Anyone ?
I've only ever been on 37, and always had video issues. You can't roll back unless you have a copy of that app backed up on your machine. The app store only keeps the current one. If this is the reason I've been struggling with my sparks video i will be a sad panda.
Yea I think that is the issue I am pissed. It renders the Spark useless. I might just look to switch to android and get any version of Go 4 I want I and tired of iOS not giving you a roll back option and dji messing up a perfectly good running app.
You can roll back if we can find someone with it on their phone. They would need to back up to the computer then could copy thing somewhere 250megs is free to share..
Let me look around because it's been plaguing me since I got it.

Anyone happen to have the .ipa or could you back up to a computer the installed app and we can find a place to put it?

I found the modded version but that doesn't help unless jailbroken.

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