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Canadian Roadmap to Integration: BVLOS

A great deal of the talk about drones in the U.S. NAS has been about consumer sUASs. Now that the FAA has given the go ahead for commercial delivery via drone, expect the conversation to morph into how the two are expected to coexist. What technology will the delivery drones have for traffic deconfliction? Who has the right-of-way? How does weather and time of day figure into their operation? How will they impact recreational or part 107 drone operations? Do delivery drones operate under 400ft AGL while enroute?

The evolution of such discussions will be of keen interest and we need to pay close attention so our input can be considered.
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I'm not sure if we'll see all of the flying deliveries that's it's hyped up to be.

People complain about the noise of consumer drones, how quite can multi rotor flying bed mattresses be when delivering goods in your neighborhood?

Better be delivering noise cancelling headphones. Lol.

I see a necessity for medical drones being used but for consumer goods and food?

Give me a break.?
This and autonomous cars scare the hell out of me frankly. They said we'd have paperless offices by now... Hmmm I think the concept is great, but the opportunity for mid-air or on the road failure is going to end up killing people. It already has sadly. Not cool..
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I'm not sure if we'll see all of the flying deliveries that's it's hyped up to be.

People complain about the noise of consumer drones, how quite can multi rotor flying bed mattresses be when delivering goods in your neighborhood?

Better be delivering noise cancelling headphones. Lol.

I see a necessity for medical drones being used but for consumer goods and food?

Give me a break.?
It's all about removing the number of humans in the chain. Companies loudly proclaim their employees are their most important asset, but as soon as they find a way to replace them, they jump at it. You don't have to pay benefits to drones or robots, but neither do drones spend money or pay taxes into the economy.

The touted benefits of drone delivery make it sound like you'll get stuff delivered more quickly, but consider how many drone flights it would take to equal one UPS, Fedex or USPS truck's worth of goods on a daily route. The sky will be swarming with delivery drones from every company all hours of the day. Everytime I see a news item talking about flying cars, I get a chuckle. They always fail to consider weather, so it is with delivery drones.
Well, I am beginning to embrace being a krusty old fart...:p I avoid those self checkouts at the stores as they take jobs from folks, and the thought of a fully loaded 60 foot semi hurtling down the freeway/turnpike with nobody at the wheel makes me wanna stay home. The greed behind these technologies is not going to help the masses, that's for sure. I have not seen any prices dropping just yet. Have you?

And whilst I love flying my Spark, once I have to stop because Amazon (who has lobbied my government) wants to fly over my house, frankly, I will be pissed.

All that said, (end of Rant!) thanks RotorWash for posting that, it is interesting. :cool:
I avoid those self checkouts at the stores as they take jobs from folks


I don't work for the store, but they do.

I'll be patient and allow the employee to ring up the sale and bag it, no matter how many self service lanes are open.

Heck, they use to take the stuff to the car for you too.

I don't work for the store, but they do.

I'll be patient and allow the employee to ring up the sale and bag it, no matter how many self service lanes are open.

Heck, they use to take the stuff to the car for you too.
I've felt for a long time that policy makers and big businesses are missing the point that, just as things within ecology are intertwined, so are things within ECOnomy. Tug on a thread and something unravels. I remember "service stations" where you pulled your car in next to the pump and an attendant came out and asked how much gas you wanted. While the gas was pumping, they cleaned your windshield and checked your car's oil level. You might even get a free set of steak knives with a fill-up and that was when gas was less than $0.30 a gallon! Then came a self service island and a full service island for those who didn't want to pump their own gas. Now everyone does their own. As long as the focus is on quarterly profits for the shareholders, don't expect it to improve. (Rant OFF)
I agree with the above posts. Drone delivery is a non-starter for several reasons. The first drone to cause a power failure (look at all the wires!) or cause property damage or injure/kill someone will be the end of it. All this whizbang technology never takes into count two very important points. A - Most humans haven't got the brains god promised a doorknob. B - Nature sides with the hidden flaw.

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