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Any hints on indoor flying?

Nov 30, 2017
Highlands Ranch, CO
I’ve volunteered to take a group photo at an event this week and I think the Spark and pano mode would be perfect. All of my flying has always been done outdoors, so I’d love to get some hints on flying indoors. I plan on installing the prop guards and using the RC with the Spark, and the location is in a large room with a ceiling that’s about 40 - 45 feet high.

Thanks in advance for your ideas and wisdom!

I recently instructed a drone camp, and used the Spark during an indoor flying lesson. Similar to your scenario, the ceiling was around 40ft (indoor gymnasium).

Anyways, I was blown away by how stable and precise the Spark was at hovering in one spot. This was without any type of connection to GPS. I didn’t bother with prop guards or any of that nonsense. Obviously be careful near other people, but you shouldn’t have any issues.
I flew my Spark a few times in a small apartment no problems... Except for once. That time, the Spark started without being able to get a good fix, as usual, but after 10 seconds in the air or so, it got a (very bad) GPS fix and started drifting badly. I was able to manually control and land it, but if I had to fly in borderline GPS signal again, I think I would just force atti mode.
I suggest avoiding tripod mode, because if it goes to atti mode from there,
the sudden 15-times increase in speed will come as a surprise.
I experienced that because a room suddenly got dark, and before that, because the spark could not see enough floor texture.

Max altitude is limited to 16 feet unless it goes to atti mode.
I fly mine in my house with 8 and 9 foot ceilings. It flies like a dream. I can even “walk” it between rooms and I have taken it up and down the stairs to practice control. Most time I turn off the front avoidance and fly with prop guards.

I have to say, It is rock solid inside. I would fully encourage anyone to fly indoors and get some practice at the controls.
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I used my Spark to document me getting an award from the local school district at a board meeting in the board room.
I used the gesture to take the selfie.
This was 18ft ceilings, A Frame roof interior and to make it worse, 10ft high crossbeams.
The Spark did its up and away, snapped the pic and returned right on my commands.
It was really cool too because a drone took a picture of me receiving an award for using a drone to document the school construction for the board. :D

And yes...practice practice practice....
I used about 5 batteries just performing the up and away, take photo, return actions over and over.
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Avoid flying near magnets as in some HiFi speakers.
They could upset electronics, compass and WiFi
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Though it should not apply to "Sparky" be aware that the props stir up the air in a room & can cause stability problems--- i have been flying indoors for years, even flown a Cheerson CX20 ( that WAS fun ! ) but the moving air seems to catch lesser quads out--- & their pilots !
Because of a surgery I won't be able to go outdoors before a good month, I will get my spark 1st week of August, as it's my 1st drone I will try to practice indoor. I doubt there are any gps signal in my concrete appartement, so should I totally disable gps?
Because of a surgery I won't be able to go outdoors before a good month, I will get my spark 1st week of August, as it's my 1st drone I will try to practice indoor. I doubt there are any gps signal in my concrete appartement, so should I totally disable gps?

There is no way to turn OFF the GPS, other than wrapping aluminum foil around the back side of the aircraft.

You shouldn't have to worry about a GPS lock when inside unless you are close to a window. Even then, you would need at least 8 or more satellites to get a good lock and you shouldn't get that through the window.

The things you do want to be sure of is that the apartment is well lit and there's a pattern to the floor ( the Visual Positioning System needs to "see" the floor).

Make sure all Bluetooth devices are OFF.

Be cautious of the WiFi as the other WiFi signals in your building may affect the Spark?

If that's the case, then it looks like the OTG cable is working (again) for some devices.

Use your prop guards. Stay away from the ceiling as the propwash tends to suck the Spark up to it ! The same goes for walls.

I last thing, Tripod mode. The Spark will will react slower to the stick movements.

Low and slow, practice, practice, practice.

Good Luck. :)
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I live about a quarter mile from a class C airport. So my only issue with flying inside my house was having to agree to a lot of things on the DJI Go 4 app so that it would "unlock" the Aircraft and let me fly.
I’ve volunteered to take a group photo at an event this week and I think the Spark and pano mode would be perfect. All of my flying has always been done outdoors, so I’d love to get some hints on flying indoors. I plan on installing the prop guards and using the RC with the Spark, and the location is in a large room with a ceiling that’s about 40 - 45 feet high.

Thanks in advance for your ideas and wisdom!

Use prop guards and tripod mode!
I am not a stranger to flying in tight spaces. Most of my YT Videos are done indoors with perfect results (YT @ Chippi09) and the Sparks just blown me away when flying indoors. Just to be safe, use prop guards when around people and yes, Tripod Mode works perfectly for me.
I live about a quarter mile from a class C airport. So my only issue with flying inside my house was having to agree to a lot of things on the DJI Go 4 app so that it would "unlock" the Aircraft and let me fly.

At least we have the choice to agree or not fly at all. DJI do this to cover their behind if something goes wrong.Smart move for them.
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