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Anxiety while flying the bird

The rewards have to equal the risks or surpass them. The world will become mundane, even at 400 feet. But when the right subject matter presents itself or the perfect solitary spot is there, trust me, your anxiety will quickly pass. Shooting a neighborhood is never going to be like shooting a World War ll battleship. The point is shooting something extraordinary, which inspires you to overcome anything.
Like that first highschool date. Anxiety was soaring but WOW was it worth every minute of it.
Its all relative.
Everyone shares the anxiety, regardless of what you’re flying.
I spend most of my time learning to control it at a low altitude. Landing with perfect control, scrutinizing every movement. So that whatever I do under these contolled conditions will be more like muscle-memory when its up and further away. Observing at full pitch, how long it takes to stop, both in regular and sport mode. Basically learning every behavior under a controlled environment. This endeavor will promote confidence.
Works for me.
I do this with every bird i have it's like getting to know it intimately.. then when it does act out you know that it is and hopefully not panic and get her back home to you.
What is your profession that you travel to so many places-aviation related?

I am a “limo driver”.

With a private jet, that is...:)

And because I do photography as a hobby, I have now added the Spark to my already heavy bag on the road with a DSLR and lenses.
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And what type do you fly? I retired about 9 yrs ago flying a G4 for a private family-best gig ever!!
Citation Latitude.
Did you do any training with Flight Safety in Orlando? I had a very good friend who was a ground school/sim instructor there-Tom Reininger. I went down to visit him last summer & was able to spend about 5 hrs in one of the sims. Even though I have never flown a Citation & hadn't been in a cockpit for nearly 8 yrs, I was amazed at how quickly the instrument scan came back. It was like time had stood still, very satisfying and a lot of fun. I really miss the flying but since we did a lot of charter, I don't miss all that bs. We were a small department, 1 plane 3 pilots but when we had a tsa inspection the officer asked if I checked the id of the other pilot assigned to a flight every day. I said excuse me, I have known him for 5 years and can tell if he had a fight with his wife the night before, no I don't and it is unreasonable to expect that to happen. There was also the time when the tsa wanted to put air marshals on our a/c, meaning if it was full of the owners friends/relatives he would have to kick one off to accommodate the marshal-that didn't go over well. Wealthy people have lots of contacts and that proposal died quickly, but is an indication of how out of touch the government is with corporate/private aviation.
Enjoy what you do cause time passes so quickly and never loose sight of uniqueness of your job. When surrounded by your piers it is easy to take for granted how special the corporate flying experience can be.
Good luck, safe flying, and alway stay vigilant.
I still have about 20 years before retirement, God's willing...:)
My training is all done in Columbus, as I fly for a major fractional company. I'm sure you can guess which one... Now go fly a glider. You know, back to flying the basic, type of things!...:)

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