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AC behavior if you lose the RC connection?

Glen e

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
what does the AC do when the RC LED goes red or if using the phone for control and you lose the link?

Mine just hovers, I thought it would do an RTH?
RTH should be activated after 3 sec with RC signal loss or 20 sec with wifi link (user manual page 14). In theory.
This If GPS signal was good at take off and home point recorded. You should always check that it happen.
I got a case like that with the Spark hovering and no way to connect again with my tablet. That was in fact my phone in my pocket that automatically connect to the Spark wifi when the tablet disconnected. Only after I understood that, I was able to take control again. So wifi of other device always off.
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Wow, this is a very good tip or pre-flight check. I usually have my phone in my pocket and I have the DJI GO app on it too even though I don't fly with my phone, I've got plenty of tablets for that. BUT its something I need to make sure doesn't happen...

RTH should be activated after 3 sec with RC signal loss or 20 sec with wifi link (user manual page 14). In theory.
This If GPS signal was good at take off and home point recorded. You should always check that it happen.
I got a case like that with the Spark hovering and no way to connect again with my tablet. That was in fact my phone in my pocket that automatically connect to the Spark wifi when the tablet disconnected. Only after I understood that, I was able to take control again. So wifi of other device always off.
RTH failsafe behavior depends on the distance of the drine from the RTH point; <3m, 3-20m or >20m. See p14 in the manual.
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Yesterday I flew out just over 1000' in a Wi-Fi congested area and lost signal. The spark automatically RTH without any input on the controller or phone and the signal was regained at around 750' according to the flight log. Worked flawlessly.

Edit: I would like to add that I was piloting from a backyard and surrounded by houses on all sides so it is likely that my connection loss had more to do with lack of line of sight than distance.
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When i was once doing Quickshot test in the field, open space , i did a dronie.
Spark went 60m away and lost my signal i he was hovering at that point . i cant tell it was more than 30s but it was hovering and i was pressing the RTH and i wastold that i have a week signal but RTH wont work.
I was controling it from a phone and i had to get closer on foot to regain control.
So RTH on phone works ONLY in some occasions where signal is good.
I have RTH on same altitude ON.
I have mixed feelings abut that, in my opinion the app should remember my setting and after re-gaining signal commence a RTH
First of all, the manual says RTH will work when it goes way pass the 20m mark.
I had a panic attack when i was flying my spark doing the quickshot(circle) and didn't notice the radius was too big that it flew pass a building behind me. Seconds after, I lost the sight of the drone, my dji go app went blank(disconnected). That's when the panic attack kicked in...lol.
I was just hoping that it didn't fly away. I immediately ran out to the open space hoping to get the signal back but since it was too high up, it failed to reconnect. Then I saw it went up to a certain altitude and flying back to the take off point. By then, I'm pretty sure that the RTH was activated...It worked flawlessly. Pheww... The app got reconnected when it reached about 10m or so and I took over the automated landing and land safely. Oh ya, forgot to mention that I was controlling the AC using just my Iphone that day.
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