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Spark max range


Active Member
May 3, 2019
I'm new to drone flying and since I got a Spark with controller combo not long ago, I was wondering what the maximum range would be and if you are using an Ipad mini 5 do you need cellular to achieve this maximum range?
If you are using the Spark controller, range has nothing to do with the tablet/phone that you are using. Range for the controller is about 2,000 meters under optimal conditions. Cellular networks are not used nor needed to fly the Spark.
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Parabolic antenna boosters will give you best chance of reaching that maximum range. Signal is more stable over distance when used properly.

The RC antennas themselves are highly directional so keeping broad flat side facing Spark is critical at longer range. If you turn just a bit wrong way signal blinks off.

I was reading the manual the other day and saw that DJI does their range testing at 400' AGL. It's a longer distance from controller at that height but less interference from ground clutter so signal stronger -- makes sense.
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Watched a number of videos on YouTube and people have claimed to reach mind boggling distances even with the stock RC antennas but the max I have been able to reach till date is 1342m. Practically speaking, 800m is my comfort zone. I have found that the live feed starts to get choppy and laggy beyond that distance and I never have the same level of confidence when that starts to happen.
I'm new to drone flying and since I got a Spark with controller combo not long ago, I was wondering what the maximum range would be and if you are using an Ipad mini 5 do you need cellular to achieve this maximum range?
If you are using a controller, your tablet connects to the controller, the controller to the Spark. What you use (tablet, smartphone) has no effect on range.
Range is limited by location: in Europe, transmitter power is reduced and the range is 400 meters in ideal conditions.
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As @Multikoe said, range is not affected by the device you are using.

If you are in USA (FCC mode), range could be beyond 2000m, but in the rest of the world, you would be lucky if you achieve a 500m range (usually, under 300m).
Fortunately, there is a way to fly in "forced FCC mode" (search sparkpilots), or use a moded version of Go4 app.

iPad mini 5, is ideal for flying DJI drones, and cellular is NOT necessary.
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This video is my longest run..
Note that Litchi will not extend your flight..
At such distance, it will always lose connection while turning around your drone. For safe return, press and hold the RTH button until remote starts beeping..

Btw, I'm on the far side of the lake seen in the end of video..

I've gone up to 9000 ft. with the parabolic antenna. You can get more with 4hawks or alientech. Honestly, for that kind if investment, I'd put that into a better platform like mav pro or pro 2. I've got 3 miles on the mav pro in the city with the 4hawks xr. At that point, it becomes all about your battery life.
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This video is my longest run..
Note that Litchi will not extend your flight..
At such distance, it will always lose connection while turning around your drone. For safe return, press and hold the RTH button until remote starts beeping..

Btw, I'm on the far side of the lake seen in the end of video..

Thanks for the video.
I've gone up to 9000 ft. with the parabolic antenna. You can get more with 4hawks or alientech. Honestly, for that kind if investment, I'd put that into a better platform like mav pro or pro 2. I've got 3 miles on the mav pro in the city with the 4hawks xr. At that point, it becomes all about your battery life.
At this time in my experience, I would be more than happy with a 1 mile range. Maybe later I'll go for the moon. LOL
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This video is my longest run..
Note that Litchi will not extend your flight..
At such distance, it will always lose connection while turning around your drone. For safe return, press and hold the RTH button until remote starts beeping..

Btw, I'm on the far side of the lake seen in the end of video..

Pretty interesting that you have managed to reach your personal best distance while using Litchi because most people (including myself) are of the opinion that we get a stronger signal strength with Go4 as compared to Litchi. Your thoughts?
Pretty interesting that you have managed to reach your personal best distance while using Litchi because most people (including myself) are of the opinion that we get a stronger signal strength with Go4 as compared to Litchi. Your thoughts?
That would be very strange. The maximum range of the Spark is determined by the transmitting power of the Spark and the controller, both of which are only dependant on the FCC/EC setting. I don't see anything that is app-controlled that could affect the range.
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That would be very strange. The maximum range of the Spark is determined by the transmitting power of the Spark and the controller, both of which are only dependant on the FCC/EC setting. I don't see anything that is app-controlled that could affect the range.
It is indeed strange and I my thinking was exactly the same as yours before I used it myself. But now after using it, I find that the experience is quite similar to what people have mentioned in this thread.

Even while doing waypoint missions, I got a complete disconnect at about 300m from home point about a couple of times.
Here's my longest flight screen recording with the telematics - (14,588 ft out, 2.8 miles - 5.5+ miles round trip) over water. Appologies for the video is very laggy and not great quality, but link to the full length HD video from SD card is available in details. Everything is stock with the exception of a $10 passive parabolic range extender dish on the antennas.

I'm new to drone flying and since I got a Spark with controller combo not long ago, I was wondering what the maximum range would be and if you are using an Ipad mini 5 do you need cellular to achieve this maximum range?
I'm new to drone flying and since I got a Spark with controller combo not long ago, I was wondering what the maximum range would be and if you are using an Ipad mini 5 do you need cellular to achieve this maximum range?
Here where I live in the USA I get a max of about 4000 ft before I lose the signal even with signal boosters and I'm on flat terrain over water but I don't know if I fly higher then 200 ft if I could more distance. I don't want to lose my Spark I love it but I'm hoping to upgrade to Mavic 2 Pro later this year, cause I will be going to the Keys here in Florida and I want to get some great shots.

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