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Changed my mind


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2018
Kendall, WI
So as you might have seen in another post, I changed my mind and am selling my Spark to my neighbor. As much as I have enjoyed the Spark, I realized that it probably wouldn't get the flying time is deserves and maintenance on the batteries might become a problem. My neighbor has been interested in my Spark for as long as I've owned it so I gave him a good deal and I'll also give him some pointers. I'm hoping I can still hang around the Sparkpilots forum and contribute.
I'll also give him some pointers. I'm hoping I can still hang around the Sparkpilots forum and contribute.

Sign him up to the Spark Pilots Forum. ?

Other Spark pilots have upgraded and are still welcome here.

They occasionally tease the1080p pilots with a taste of the 2.7 or 4k stuff. ;)
So as you might have seen in another post, I changed my mind and am selling my Spark to my neighbor. I'm hoping I can still hang around the Sparkpilots forum and contribute.
Going to hold you to that Kendallfordguy. Hope you stick around and chime in from time to time.
Sad to hear yet nice as well, in that the Spark will probably ignite another pilot's adventure. He's lucky to have you for advice and he knows he's getting a good drone as well. Sure do hope you'll continue to stick around these parts, happy flying Kendallfordguy!
Well, as we are sentient beings, I would say there's always an opportunity to change your mind again. And this is a community of like minded enthusiasts, I signed up 5 months before I had my Spark, and though I have the MA2 now also, I will continue to chime in here, as we hope you will too Kendalfordguy!
So as you might have seen in another post, I changed my mind and am selling my Spark to my neighbor. As much as I have enjoyed the Spark, I realized that it probably wouldn't get the flying time is deserves and maintenance on the batteries might become a problem. My neighbor has been interested in my Spark for as long as I've owned it so I gave him a good deal and I'll also give him some pointers. I'm hoping I can still hang around the Sparkpilots forum and contribute.
Hi Kendallfordguy,
Pls stick around and continue to share your thoughts, musings, and pointers.... we're all the better for it. [emoji4]
Cheers mate!

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