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Recent content by Glyn

  1. G

    Tesla Model S in Snowdonia

    Ah yes, I watched that video. Lots of good tips I hope to put into practice when I got hold of a Telsa Model X :-D Sent from my Nexus 5X using SparkPilots Spark Forum mobile app
  2. G

    Tesla Model S in Snowdonia

    I had some fun filming a rented Tesla Model S driving around Snowdonia using the Spark at the weekend, amazing machine....the Tesla and the Spark! I also filmed a couple of little hydro schemes for a local promo with the Spark last week, very versatile: Any feedback would be...
  3. G

    Spark and Cyber Link Powerdirector on Android

    Yup, works great. This is what I use, PowerDirector for Android running on my Chromebook Pixel. Works a dream, super fast and smooth.
  4. G

    Smooth gimbal pan?

    Awesome! Tripod mode is buttery smooth :-D
  5. G

    Smooth gimbal pan?

    Good idea! Thanks, will try that
  6. G

    Smooth gimbal pan?

    The issue is even if I apply very smooth turn to the wheel the drone gimbal will still move in a jerky motion, especially when far away. Anyone else noticed this?
  7. G

    Smooth gimbal pan?

    Are there any tricks to a smooth gimbal pan up / down with the Spark? I'm using the RC and even when sensitivity of the wheel has been reduced I'm struggling to make the spark 'look up' smoothly. I was there was an auto function that would do this, is a very common cinematic effect and looks...
  8. G

    UK Owners

    That's interesting. What are windsurf reflectors?
  9. G

    UK Owners

    I live in rural north Wales and mainly use the drone for landscape shooting, being able to go further than a few hundred meters would be very useful. It's such a shame the spark is fully capable of this but crippled by CE. IMO having some extra range would make flying the spark safer since RF...
  10. G

    UK Owners

    Slightly off topic but what distance are you getting with a CE spark? It's such a shame the RF limits have been crippled by CE. I reckon about 400m is max range in the uk using the RC, this is what I'm experiencing. Is it a hardware change or could RC power be increased with a firmware change /...
  11. G

    French alps rock climbing

    Few clips from my trip rock climbing at Ceuse in the French alps. Shot using DJI Spark using smartphone control. The controller did not arrive before my trip! I've now got the controller, it makes the spark much better but it was a good learning experience getting to know the spark just using...
  12. G

    New firmware?

    No, I'm using 4.1.4 and pano does not seem to work.
  13. G

    New firmware?

    Has anyone tried taking panorama photos after the update? I was excited to try 180 pano mode but the update seems to have broken all pano modes. I just get an error saying cannot capture. Single photo mode works ok
  14. G

    Blurry cached images

    You need to open the DJI gallery when the Spark is connected then DJU GO will download the high res version and stich any panoramas. Took me a while to figure this out.
  15. G

    DJI Spark Drone Sound Level Metering Noise Test

    What were the results? Sorry I don't have enough data to view the video. I think the spark is quieter but maybe more `annoying` sound since it's a higher pitch?