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Starting with closed props

Leaving them closed won't cause harm, and they will open up.

That said, taking a moment to open them first gives you a chance to inspect the props for damage before your flight. I would recommend it as best practice.
I agree completely. I returned from a flight over water, only to realize one of my props had a large crack/tear in it. It was more than 50% through the blade! I had flown into a branch on the previous flight but did not crash. I am so lucky the stress of the subsequent flight did not break it the rest of the way. Now I always inspect the props with every battery change. ...it only takes 5 seconds, literally.
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After just watching the official DJI video tutorial on the Spark, stud muffin Ty starts his Spark with the props open and I always do what Ty says.
There is some proper overthinking going on here.
We are not starting an Airbus.
Based on scale, I really don't foresee this being an issue either way, otherwise we would not have folding props.
With that common sense approach I'm no longer gonna think about this. I start the quickest way, just sitting it down and backing off or hand-launching. The props open within a second on a very small well-built device, just like they were designed to do. Thanks, smolly.
As the title says... I have been watching loads of YouTube videos and on a few occasions these pilots are putting their Spark on the floor with closed props and taking off directly like this. I always take care to open the props to the 180 degree position before I try and take off. Seems a bit crazy to do otherwise, and risking a stupid malfunction. Any of you guys do this too? any thoughts?
Yes I do the same as you. I also check each prop is fitted securely and inspect the blades for damage and security.
Yes I do the same as you. I also check each prop is fitted securely and inspect the blades for damage and security.
Having a prop guard on while storing kind of forces me to have a brief look at the props anyway.
So here is a video of the Mavic Pro and the Spark comparing opened vs closed props at start-up. Until I saw this video I'd have psshawed the idea of opening the props before starting the motors. I think I will unfold then from now on.

The interesting bit is the extreme amount of shake on the Mavic using either method. The Spark isn't as bad because of the rigid arms, but still quite a bit of gimbal shake with the props folded.

Not my video.

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Let's just forget vibrations and all for a minute.
Isn't one of the steps before take off to visually inspect your aircraft? Isn't it easier to check the propellors and (super important) the small tabs that lock them in place with them open?
Just saying...
Other way around, Cambridge Dictionary says: Engine meaning, definition, what is engine: a machine that uses the energy from liquid fuel or steam to produce movement.
Motor: a machine, especially one powered by electricity or internal combustion, that supplies motive power for a vehicle or for some other device with moving parts.
I always open mine and check them before my first flight. I should get in the habit of checking them before every flight.
There is some proper overthinking going on here.
We are not starting an Airbus.

nor do those motors have bearings the size of an Airbus.

Based on scale, I really don't foresee this being an issue either way, otherwise we would not have folding props.

folding props are for storage and convenience, not abuse. do what you like with yours, mine are fully extended before power-up.
nor do those motors have bearings the size of an Airbus.

folding props are for storage and convenience, not abuse. do what you like with yours, mine are fully extended before power-up.
I abused my props 3 times this week.
I like living on the edge. Lol
Life is too short to panic about non-existant issues.

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