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All of a sudden "ADDI" MODE


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2019
Out flying yesterday before work and about 3 minutes into flight that was going real well the remote states ADDI more and my Spark goes crazy. Was flying in regular mode but after the change it went automatically to sport mode and proceeds to almost crash itself. Had a hard time controlling it as it had a mind of its own. What would cause this? I was nowhere near the cover of trees and had 16 satellites right before the attitude change
Would have to think that one of things happen one you bumped the sport mode button on the controller or the switch in the controller is going bad I would test this switch closely
Happened to me last week too! Took off with full sat's and then all of of a sudden atti mode... and the spark was gone into the wind with the quickness! Was not in sport mode at any time of the flight! Then I saw on my phone it was back into GPS mode and I hit return to home and it came back! Not sure why the loss of GPS mode!
Out flying yesterday before work and about 3 minutes into flight that was going real well the remote states ADDI more and my Spark goes crazy. Was flying in regular mode but after the change it went automatically to sport mode and proceeds to almost crash itself. Had a hard time controlling it as it had a mind of its own.

Easy.....review your flight logs, and all will be revealed. You had 16 sats on takeoff? Home point recorded? Compass calibrated?

I'm a strong believer any operator should kick their AC into ATTI mode, and get a feel for the behavior, to reduce the natural panic feeling that we all get. Do it in a very open, and safe location, with clear weather.
When I had my spark, It would go into atti mode once or twice a month. It only takes a small glitch from the GPS receiver, compass, IMU on your ac or remote. If the program doesn't like something, it will drop to atti mode until it recovers. That's why LOS is very important and knowing how to control your bird in this situation. Unless it's changed recently, which I doubt, the spark doesn't have the option to fly in atti mode intentionally. I started on a cheap $50 drone for 6 months, I learned alot about wind and directional control.
Happens once in a while for various reasons. Watch for "Magnetic interferance" ATTI mode is soon to follow.

Got me last Thursday:

I should have kept backing it up toward me, or maybe gone up higher to get farther from whatever was bothering it, but I turned it toward me. I must have still held some back stick as it backed into the brush as it turned around.

I remembered to empty the pockets before crossing the creek.
Wind is likely the chief villain in dropping into Atti once you are off the ground. Gusts can knock the compas/gps/imu into confusion. Best watch your wind profile where you choose to fly and be aware. UAV Forecast, Windy.com and many other sites will show you the wind at different altitudes.... fly safe eh!
I'm a strong believer any operator should kick their AC into ATTI mode,
I like to know how you kick the spark into ATTI mode ?
I'm a strong believer any operator should kick their AC into ATTI mode,
I like to know how you kick the spark into ATTI mode ?

You don't, with the Spark anyway.

Some drones may have the option but not the Spark.

I've heard of pilots wrapping aluminum foil around the back of the Spark to block GPS.

I've also read that there was a way to modify the firmware using DJI assistant and changing the parameters of the Sport mode switch to flip the Spark into Atti-mode.

I'm not sure if the Litchi software for the Spark has the option to achieve this, but it might.

I have a cheap drone that I fly occasionally that has no GPS for practice in Atti-mode.
I like to know how you kick the spark into ATTI mode ?

You don't, with the Spark anyway.

I have a cheap drone that I fly occasionally that has no GPS for practice in Atti-mode.
I used to have the P2 and I was able to switch the GPS off ,I miss that on the Spark, cheers

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