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DJI Go 4 App crash during RTH

unfortunately I was too much about "let me go back and land safely this little fella" ;( so I didn't get back into the app, just when I noticed, that RC is still working, I just brought the quad closer and land. when I checked later - no logs appeared, so I guess they won't do it in the future.

sounds interesting! I made a quick search and saw something about viewing .DAT files, but - can it be done in a way that DJI GO4 app would import the extracted data as proper flight-log? I guess it's my curse, but I like stats, numbers etc. and the think that a flight was done, but I can't see it's statistics in the flight record is simply making a hole in my brain ;) even if the flight wasn't special at all.. just a random fun to discharge the battery before storage.
No, the .DAT can not be imported into the Go App.

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